How to Make an Outdoor Artificial Palm Tree?

How to Make an Outdoor Artificial Palm Tree

Growing an outdoor palm tree is a great way to bring quick and uplifting changes to your arrangements, especially if you’re fond of beach themes. But without having green fingers, it is challenging to nurture them. So, why not switch to artificial ones? The plus point is you can make one at home. But how to make an outdoor artificial palm tree?

Some papers, pipes, glue, and carpets are enough to make a fake palm tree. And for the detailed process, come along with this how-to guide. 

What Materials Do You Need for DIY Palm Tree?

In order to save time on DIY projects, arranging the materials beforehand is a better idea. So, note down the items listed below for making your own palm tree –

How to Make an Outdoor Artificial Palm Tree
  • A thick pipe or carpet roll
  • A4 or butcher paper of brown and green color
  • Scissors, wire clippers, cutter, tape, scotch tape, glue, straws, waste cloth, and threads
  • A few umbrellas, especially the metal-hinged arms, and springs should be intact 

Step-by-Step Process on How to Make an Outdoor Artificial Palm Tree

How to Make an Outdoor Artificial Palm Tree

Making any artificial tree is way cheaper if you know what alternative materials to use. So without further ado, follow these steps to make an easy DIY palm tree:

Step 1: Make the Trunk

Carpet rolls work best as the trunk of an artificial tree. But as you will place the tree outside, try to collect plastic carpet rolls from the local store.

Then, get some waterproof brown paper. Visit online shops if you cannot find water-resistant ones from a hardware store. 

After crumpling the paper, wrap them around the roll with glue. The scrunchies are a “must” to bring out the accurate look of a palm tree base. 

On a side note, water-resistant carpets can be a bit expensive and hard to find in some places. So alternatively, use an 18 inches long and 1-inch thick plastic pipe. And wrap some waste clothes around it for the base. 

Step 2: Place the Palms

To bring a natural look to the tree, keep some clustered and small pieces of cloth inside a 3×3 inches cloth. After making 3 to 4 palms, tie them together with a thread. And they will look like a fascicle.

With glue and threads, attach the palms half inches below the top of the trunk. Then, place the base on an even board or microphone stands to get the trunk stand.

Step 3:  Collect Umbrellas 

For the branches, you will need the stretchers and springs of umbrellas. Collect different-sized umbrellas and carefully detach their parts from the canopy. Posting online or on different forums can help to get some donated umbrellas.

Afterward, attach the springs or rods on top of the trunk and make sure they do not detach easily due to wind or a little force. 

Step 4: Arrange the Branches

You can buy readymade palm tree branches and separate them with wire clippers. Even branches that look similar to palm leaves will work for the tree. 

On each umbrella branch, ensure to attach 3 to 4 palm branches with scotch tape, glue, and threads. Make sure the threads match the color of the leaves. 

And to make DIY palm tree leaves, collect some plastic straws and green butcher paper. With a scissor and cutter, cut out the palm leaves shape in different sizes. 

Tape the leaves on the arms, and attach the straws in the center and sides of the leaves. This allows each leaf to hold its shape and the straws also look like veins. 

Now the tree is ready to place outside on a pot with sand. If possible, try to cover the tree with shade on top of it. For a more natural look, feel free to place some stones around the palm trunk. 

How to Care for Artificial Palm Trees?

As the arrangement for the artificial tree is outside, the tree will easily become stained. And to keep it clean and tidy, follow these efficient tips given below –

How to Make an Outdoor Artificial Palm Tree
  • While buying readymade palm leaves, make sure they are UV-Treated. Otherwise, the lifespan will decrease due to direct sunlight, and the leaves will not hold good shape and grade.  
  • Keep cleaning the dust from the branches and leaves with a soft bristle brush. 
  • To avoid concentrated fading of the leaves, keep moving the tree.
  • Try to cover the tree from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the glue can wear off.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q’s):

Is It Possible To Light Up An Artificial Palm Tree?

Yes, you can lighten up the tree with LED strip lights or fairy lights. You need to wrap and tape the lights around the branches and trunk to do so. 

What Is The Lifespan of A DIY Palm Tree?

It depends on how properly you have made the tree branches and trunk. Generally, it should last a few years if you provide care away from rain and light. 

Is Making a Palm Tree Costly?

No, to make a DIY artificial tree, you will get most of the materials at hand. And a few purchases will not cost that much!


I hope you are all hyped to make a tree as I have explained how to make an outdoor artificial palm tree with little effort. Constructing a fake tree is not enough to bring out its beauty. For that, you need to follow the caring tips listed above as well. 

From my personal experience, I’d suggest going for high-quality material. Otherwise, the tree can fall flat easily. 

Md Biajid

Meet Mia Biajid, a passionate nature lover. Particularly, he has a deep-rooted connection to the plant. Mia loves to spend time exploring forests and uncovering the secrets held within trees. He always inspires others to appreciate and protect our precious part of the ecosystem.

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